Occasionally, life may embrace us with tenderness, while at other times, it may shake our world vigorously, unraveling the truth and dispelling any illusions that keep us ignorant. Gemini, it is probable that you will experience the latter today. Instead of succumbing to panic, take a deep breath. Ground yourself in the present and observe what no longer aligns with your journey. You must willingly release what no longer serves you. Have faith that you are actively crafting a fresh and transformative reality for yourself.
Divine Guidance: The outmoded will have to be banished willfully.
Capricorn – 2 January 2023
Capricorn, the key to unlocking new possibilities lies in the concept of “innovation.” You have reached a point in your journey where you realize that repeating the same actions in the same manner will only lead to ordinary outcomes. Thus, you are eager to initiate an internal revolution and introduce transformative shifts for the benefit of the collective. It’s important to remember that not everyone around you may be willing to embrace the proposed changes, and that’s alright. Embrace tactfulness as a guiding principle in your interactions. By the way, if you’ve been engaging in playful flirtation with someone via text, it’s time to transition to offline connections!
Divine Guidance: It’s time for an inner and outer revolution.
Sagittarius – 2 January 2023
Mercury’s backwards dance is urging you to hit the pause button, to zoom out and to look at the big picture vision. Don’t worry if you’re not where you want to be. You have plenty of time to get there and your journey towards greatness has just begun. Today, the cards are also bringing to your attention the saying, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” PS: Spiritually speaking, it’s time for a level up, Sagittarius!
Divine Guidance: When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
Scorpio – 2 January 2023
Scorpio, it’s crucial to understand that the current moment is not the time to adopt an “aloof and mysterious” approach. Instead, it’s time to openly express your emotions and wear your heart on your sleeve with utmost clarity. Trust that by wholeheartedly revealing your true self, you will open the doorway to profound intimacy. For some of you, commitment may be a significant aspect to consider. Do not allow the fear of rejection or the weight of past experiences hinder you from expressing your genuine desires. You deserve to be loved for who you are, and you deserve it without delay.
Divine Guidance: Recognise the strength in vulnerability.
Libra – 2 January 2023
Libra, the time for playing games has come to an end. You have lost interest in merely “going with the flow” or pursuing someone who clearly exhibits emotional unavailability. Clarity is what you seek, and you desire it without delay. If this means engaging in uncomfortable conversations, then so be it. Regarding your professional journey, it is crucial to stop undervaluing yourself. Do not allow the fear of uncertainty to be the reason for settling. You are deserving of love, abundance, joy, and freedom, and you deserve them without delay.
Divine Guidance: Ask for the clarity you are seeking.
Virgo – 2 January 2023
Virgo, it’s essential to acknowledge the truth: the signs were there all along. However, you consciously decided to perceive what you wanted to see. You granted them the benefit of doubt. As Mercury goes into retrograde, it serves as a reminder to decelerate and remove your blinders. It’s time to perceive the situation as it truly is and cease settling for less than you deserve. Remember, your needs are valid and deserving of fulfillment, my dear.
Divine Guidance: Your needs are valid and deserve to be met.
Leo – 2 January 2023
Leo, let’s address an important matter. It can be tempting to avoid confronting issues and turning a blind eye to what’s amiss. However, the undeniable reality is that the theme of injustice is prevalent. Instead of remaining a silent observer, it’s time to raise your voice. Advocate for yourself and stand up for those around you. This revolutionary act may or may not be well-received by those in positions of authority, and that’s perfectly fine. Remember, you arrived on this planet with a sacred purpose, dear Leo.
Divine Guidance: Speak up.
Cancer – 2 January 2023
Cancer, as the new year begins, you find yourself immersed in a transformative phase, a gateway to new beginnings. Remember, even when your conscious mind is filled with confusion, that your soul has deliberately chosen these experiences to facilitate your awakening. Embrace the notion that even the pain holds a sacred purpose, as it brings forth valuable insights. Embrace this opportunity to let go of outdated patterns and craft a fresh narrative for your life. We have a strong intuition that the version of yourself that emerges from the ashes of the old will be resilient and unstoppable. It’s essential to practice forgiveness, allowing yourself to progress towards the light. Recognize the individuals or situations as catalysts, liberating both them and yourself.
Divine Guidance: A new version of you is being born through the ashes of the old one.
Taurus – 2 January 2023
Here’s an idea, there’s an idea, everywhere I look, I see an idea! Wearing too many hats has its perks, Taurus. But can it give you the satisfaction you deserve? Something to think about as you step into 2023. This year you’re being asked to simplify, simplify, simplify. Focus on the aspects of your career that truly bring you joy. Consistency sometimes means doing the same thing repeatedly, and that’s okay. Trust that this is where your true growth lies.
Divine Guidance: Your energy is your currency, protect it, spend it wisely.
Aries – 2 January 2023
Aries should focus on cultivating positivity in their life. This means affirming the good in your life even when you’re not feeling it.Your focus may come back and it may help you achieve your goals. You may perform well in terms of business and domestic life. With the gift of awareness you will be able to listen to whispers of the Universe and redirect your chariot in the direction you’re being called in.
Divine Guidance: You may receive an elder’s blessing which may help you develop patience.