But, who says you have to be at a certain place by a certain age in your life? Who says you need to have it all together to feel good about yourself? Think of your purpose as a journey rather than a destination. Instead of comparing yourself to others, recognize all the ways in which you have grown and broken free the prison of your own limitations. Something tells us you are on the road to mastery and that it’s going to be one hell of a ride Pisces !
Divine Guidance: Look at your journey through the eyes of love.
Pisces – 19 December 2022
But, what are *you* getting out of this? Know that it’s not selfish for you to be asking yourself that question, Pisces, especially if you’re being manipulated in any way. Word for the wise: maintain your distance from them sweet talkers today. On the upside, you’re likely to feel more connected with yourself and the divine forces at this time. Make time for meditation and mindfulness. Discover the many jewels that are hidden within.
Divine Guidance: Maintain your distance from them sweet talkers today.
Pisces – 12 December 2022
We want to let you in on a secret, Pisces: what you seek is seeking you. All you have to do is relax and allow. So, relax and allow, beautiful. Raise your vibrations and go about your day like it’s already yours. Something tells us you will have many miracles to report in the days to come. Oh, and one more thing! Remember that people will not always know how to love you and show up for you unless you teach them. Make yourself vulnerable and tell them how you need to be supported right now.
Divine Guidance: Move into a space of allowance. This is the secret.